English spoken hypnotherapy for (young) adults (21+) is available at your convenience.
Hypnotherapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses deep relaxation and intense attention to achieve a heightened state of consciousness. This “changed” consciousness helps you view real-life situations and feelings in a different light, resulting in a deeper understanding of yourself and positive change.
What is hypnotherapy used for?
There’s a wide range of issues and conditions that hypnotherapy helps answer or alleviate, such as:
- Stress, burn-out, anxiety, worrying, depression or insomnia
- Pain and discomfort caused by medically unexplained physical symptoms (IBS, migraine etc)
- Emotional problems, caused by conflict or loss (work, relationship, family)
- Low selfesteem, not setting boundaries
- Life questions, life purpose, high sensitivity
- Deeper understanding of yourself, making different choices
How does hypnotherapy work?
During the sessions you will sit in a comfortable armchair in which you can easily relax. With your eyes closed, I will guide you into a state of relaxation and intensive focus in which you temporarily ‘detach’ yourself from your surroundings and thoughts. You may also know this from daydreaming, when you are completely absorbed in your inner world (you are in trance). In such a trance you obtain new, different insights in your situation and behaviour.
Hypnotherapy applies suggestions and analysis techniques.
In a trance-like state you are more susceptible to suggestions and guidance. These can be applied to encourage positive behaviour like self-motivation and self-confidence, relief chronic pain or discomfort and control unwanted behaviour.
Analysis is more exploratory in nature and aims to determine the root cause of distress so you can move past them. In a relaxed trance you explore past events in your life, investigating (possibly repressed) memories which could be causing psychological distress. Gaining insight in the root cause is the beginning of a deeper understanding of yourself, your feelings, and your behaviour, leading the way to the change you are aiming for.
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or if you wonder if hypnotherapy might work for you. Do you have Dutch health insurance including the optional additional insurance? Check hypnotherapy coverage and costs here.
Source Dr.R.Y. Langham Ph.D. for Therapytribe
During hypnosis you remain aware, using the therapist’s suggestions to achieve a heightened state of consciousness (trance) through relaxation and intense attention

“I have enjoyed quite a rational upbringing.
The discovery that the answers I was looking for were not always to be found in my head, was a truly magical moment!
The beauty of my job is to be able to give others that same experience.”
Joyce Boddaert

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
— Einstein